
Sunday, November 20, 2016

Oh look, it's snowing

Well, if you live in the Northeast like I do and you haven't looked out your window yet, do so. There it is, the first snow of the season - and it's not even winter yet. I had heard some projections about this being one of the coldest and snowiest winters we've seen in years but honestly, I don't know if I'm ready for this. I look out my bedroom window right now and there is heavy snow still laying on branches but only a matter of time before the gusty winds out there blow it into the air, scattered with the continued falling snow.

Now on days like these, you are either like me - forming images of cleaning the car off in the morning, having not yet factored that extra time needed into my routine, arriving late for work - or you are looking out your window smiling at the lovely snow. Those people are truly still dreamers, indulging their inner child. Snow is not fun for adults - period. There's shoveling, salting, traffic, cars sliding on the road because they think they know how to drive in the snow, and there's those endearing times when it all freezes and turns to ice.

I'm not completely without whimsy. I can see how pretty it looks when snow falls on tree branches, the wind is still, and when you walk outside you can almost hear snow landing on snow. It's quite magical for those first few moments until you realize there is about six inches piled on top of your car. If you have a garage, then by all means, love every minute of this falling bliss. If you have a snow blower, indulge away.

And the task of weekly grocery shopping becomes a battle against the elements. Heading into the store covered in snow because my trek from the parking lot was just that as everyone is at the store, paranoid that they will run out of bread or milk. I can see the lines right now, especially the weekend before Thanksgiving. I must be out of my mind entertaining the idea of shopping today. But of course yesterday, when it was near 70 degrees, I paid little attention to the weather and said to myself, "Let me get these school papers and loads of laundry done, I can shop tomorrow." As the flakes grow larger out my window, I am thinking how one would actually kick themselves in the ass.

1 comment:

  1. Snow kidding. ;-) Enjoyed the read. Glad I have another avenue!
    -Bill M
