It's been a while since my last post. Mostly, I've been enjoying my non-academic life, having to pinch myself every so often that there are NO more assignments due. It's like I keep remembering it's only Saturday and I still have another day off before I go back to work. That permission to relax and not have the wheels spinning in my head, strategically planning when and how I'll do this or get that done. Four classes and working full-time, I was truly in a mental frenzy.
Aziza has a book report to do. Well, actually it's a poster representing the book with images and whatnot. When she told me it was due this coming Friday, I said, "I can help you with that if you want." She was like, "Okay, but don't get crazy, it's still my project." I just laughed to myself because I know I can get a little intense sometimes planning and thinking creatively. She does get irritated with me but in all fairness, all I said to start with is that she should sketch it out on regular paper what she wants the poster to look like. Assemble a mock first so when she's ready to paste everything down, it will be exactly where she wants it. Just a little forethought so I won't need to run out and get new poster board and reprint any images already glued down to the failed attempt. Her method is to jump in and just start pasting stuff, fitting it as she goes. I'm a lot more Type A and could never do it like that.
Needless to say, the difference in our bedrooms say it all. I'm lucky I can find her in her room some days. I can't tell which mound is her or piles of clothes and blankets. I'm definitely a little more Felix than that 😉. I purchased the Odd Couple DVD from Amazon for her as a gag gift for Hanukkah. I thought their issues with one being an OCD neat freak and the other a slob, was undoubtedly us. She watched a few episodes and smirked here and there, almost not wanting me to know it was funny.
Anyway, so yes, January is rolling by and I am spending time thinking about my future and my career path. I've interviewed for a senior position to the one I'm in now with social services Case Integrity Unit. I've applied for another state exam in the Criminal Justice Services Department, and there is a probation officer trainee position in Delaware County. that they are looking to fill provisionally until an exam is scheduled. I've updated my resume and completed the application. That really would be my first choice, and it would be ideal for both Aziza and I, as I'd love the job and she's eager to make a new start somewhere and make new friends.
We had some bullying issues recently with kids that she was very close to, that I was close to. So needless to say, she is very disappointed in how her friends turned on her and are now anything but her friends. So she's on board for change, which is usually my only battle. I'm okay with change, with challenge, with survival. I moved upstate in 2002 and didn't know a soul. I made it work and even met some dear people along the way. So if she's willing, I'm ready. I hope you'll keep your fingers crossed for me that something in my chosen field comes into my life soon. I'm about 20 years behind already! 😮
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